NOTE: The views expressed here are my personal opinion. Selecting and using a bible version for bible study is important but it is mainly based on personal preference.
I grew up with using the King James Version (Scofield). I still have my favorite one that's a compact size and it's older than my oldest daughter (it's well worn too). I still have a Scofield in KJV, NKJV and ESV. I would call the Scofield Study Bible - study bible lite. It really doesn't have many study notes. Since I've grown up with it I am well aware of it's bad points which is one reason I still use it from time to time.
I have been using NKJV and NASB (New American Standard Bible) for decades. They are both somewhat similar. The NASB is viewed in a lot of academic circles as the more accurate translation of the two. My personal preference is NASB over NKJV and I'm not sure I could tell you why specifically.
So lets get to the present. We have had several new translations since the year 2000. The two in particular that I will be talking about are the ESV (English Standard Version) and the NET (New English Translation) bibles.
The ESV has been quickly adopted by a lot of the Reformed churches. We have the Reformation Study Bible (ESV) which John Piper's church uses (although I'm sure the ESV Study Bible is used as well since it is now released). The new ESV Study Bible is quite frankly the best Study Bible produced to date. It's thick and heavy but well worth it. The ESV bible is a very excellent reading bible. I love to listen to Max McLean read the ESV it just sounds better than other versions when read for whatever reason.
The NET bible is the first bible ever to be translated and put together using the Internet. The bible has over 60,000 translator's notes. The translator's notes are a gold mine of information. It has quickly become one of my favorte translations.
Now there are a lot of other translations available (some I have and some I don't).
So, here is what I use pretty much on a daily basis. The MacArthur Study Bible (NASB) and the ESV Study Bible. When I have a deeper bible study I add in the NET Bible.
If you ask me to choose between the first two, I can't (which is why I usually have both at church on Sunday and you'll see me switch back and forth).
If anyone decides to buy the NET, the best place to buy it is from CBD. Please make sure you get the one with the Translator's notes (you'll be glad you did).
My main advise is for you to find a bible that you like reading and understand. If it's hard for you to read or you have some trouble understanding it then your more likely to not read it like you should. So find one that you like*, and then read and grow and enjoy your life in Christ!!
* You should try and find the version you like from one of the one's listed above. There are other easier to read versions out there but I would not recommend them to anyone.
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