Well it's now another new year!
I am now living in Texas so I can be here to help my mother!
Currently in the process of looking for a job.
I am also currently reading two excellent books:
Why I Am Not An Arminian by Robert A. Peterson and Michael D. Williams
Election and Free Will by Robert A. Peterson
The authors both teach at Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS for short) in St. Louis.
CTS is a seminary part of the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America).
I will review them when I'm finished reading them. I'm about half-way through both.
I really liked CTS it has a good location and the campus is very attractive. The book store is really good too.
I am hoping to post in the new year more like I used to.
Grace & Peace
Weekend A La Carte (March 8)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: The maturation of New
Calvinism / The class divide over screen time / New from the Gettys /
Getting o...
21 hours ago