I decided that I would review a few books that I have read some time ago. These books are good books as an introduction to Calvinism (or Reformed Theology). Here are the books that I will review:
The Five Points of Calvinism by Steele, Thomas and Quinn
Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace by James Montgomery Boice
The Doctrines of Grace by James Montgomery Boice/Philip Graham Ryken
Chosen by God by RC Sproul
My recommended reading (or listening) order:
Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace by James Montgomery Boice
The Doctrines of Grace by James Montgomery Boice/Philip Graham Ryken
Chosen by God by RC Sproul
Willing to Believe by RC Sproul (mp3 lectures, it is also available in book or video form)
The Five Points of Calvinism by Steele, Thomas and Quinn
The Five Points of Calvinism
This is the first book I read when I started my reading about Calvinism several years ago. While this is an excellent book and I would recommend it to anyone, there are other books that I would recommend to read first.
The book starts off defining what is Calvinism and Arminianism. This is mainly why I would recommend other books first. I believe that it's helpful to get a good understanding of what Reformed Theology (Calvinism) is before looking at the other approaches of Theology. There are many scripture proof texts for each of the Five Point of Calvinism (or Tulip). It also contains an excellent recommended reading list (many pages). For some folks this books might be enough but I still had a good deal of questions afterward.
Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace
This is the second book I read. This is also the book where the "light came on" for me. I consider this book very practical (less academic). His starting premise is that our current form of Christianity has not been working. The downhill slide started in the 1900's. So he starts out with a chapter on the New Pragmatism. A couple of chapters later he begins to talk about the 5 solas.
Scripture Alone
Christ Alone
Grace Alone
Faith Alone
Glory to God Alone
It's just an excellent book as far as I'm concerned.
The Doctrines of Grace
This book was not completed by Dr. Boice before he went home to be with his Master. Dr. Ryken who is now the pastor in Dr. Boice's former church finished the book.
This book goes into the 5 points of Calvinism. The names for the five points have been altered (I believe for the better) and do not conform to the Tulip acronym.
They are:
Radical Depravity
Unconditional Election
Particular Redemption
Efficacious Grace
Preserving Grace
This is just another excellent book it pretty much nailed it for me.
Chosen by God
This book by Dr. Sproul is just excellent as well. He does an excellent job at taking deep theological subjects and making them understandable to the masses.
This book covers Reformed Theology topics. Such as:
Predestination and the Sovereignty of God
Predestination and Free Will
Adam's Fall and Mine
Foreknowledge and Predestination
I would also highly recommend Dr. Sproul's Willing to Believe. He covers the history of Reformed Theology.
All of the above are some of the best Calvinistic resources available (I'm sure there are more, In fact I'm in the process of reading one now).
Grace and Peace!!
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22 hours ago
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