Young, Restless, Reformed, A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists by Collin Hansen
This book is about a journey of discovery, learning how the younger generation is discovering anew the Great Doctrines of the Christian faith. The younger generation is weary of attending churches that merely entertain rather than preach the Word. These young people long for the true meat of Scripture that changes their lives! They are pursuing true doctrine! There are youth groups and groups on college campuses that are intently studying the Word as well as the Systematic Theologies of Berkhof and Grudem. Some are also reading the Puritans (Edwards and Owen).
One humorous story is about a High School group that started reading through Calvin's Institutes and their parent's found out about it and forbid them to read it. So the youth stopped as their parents wished. They instead started reading a Puritan that their parents had never heard of, John Owen! My spirit has been greatly encouraged by reading this book!!
The books consists of a Prologue, seven chapters and a Epilogue and is 156 pages in length.
Chapter 1 - Born Again Again - Passion Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Chapter 2 - Out of Bethlehem - Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chapter 3 - Big Man on Campus - Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Chapter 4 - Ground Zero - Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Chapter 5 - Drug-Induced Calvinism - Covenant Life Church, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Chapter 6 - Forget Reinvention - New Attitude Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
Chapter 7 - Missional Mind-set - Mars Hill Church, Seattle, Washington
I'm not wild about some of the chapter titles but the content is good. I am also not fond of the last chapter which is about Mark Driscoll. I'm not really a "fan" of Mark Driscoll.
It's good to know about the things that are happening around the country in the Reformed world. It's easy to get discouraged when all around you is "easy believeism" and "live your best life now".
God is still Sovereign and still on His throne!!
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
9 hours ago
1 comment:
Amen David, I have seen the same interest evidenced in the number of young folks that attend the Ligonier conferences.
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