I have been reading the biography of George Whitfield.
I have also been thinking a lot about his time versus our time in history.
It's time to say something controversial: we need to make sure that the ministers of the faith are truly saved as best we can.
The bible says we will know the good from the bad by the fruit produced!! There seems to be a bit of bad fruit in our pulpits today. Just hear what is being proclaimed from some of the pulpits today! Why are we not preaching Christ and Him crucified and raised from the dead? You know the Gospel that God calls His ministers to preach? Spurgeon and Whitfield thought that you could never preach too much about Christ.
Christ must surely be grieved by what is being proclaimed!
I thank God that He has also provided us with a number of Very faithful ministers who proclaim the truth in season and out of season.
May God call even more faithful ministers to tend His sheep!! (as well as preach to the Lost)
Amen Bro. David, May He raise up many!
Amen bro...
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