Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Today's Gospel

The problem with the gospel that is presented today is not that God cannot save anyone unless it is presented correctly. That is not the case at all God does the saving and God can use whatever He pleases.
The Problem is the non-regenerate! They are told since they prayed a prayer or walked down an aisle they are saved. That is actually the lie right out of the pit of Hell. The devil wants folks to believe they are saved. That way they really won't think about it too much and just go on living their sinful life of sin and believe they are bound for Heaven. They are not concerned with their sin after all they are just as good as everyone else.

The true Christian is VERY concerned about their sin. They long for the day that they will sin no more and be able to totally live for Christ in sinlessness. We are only saved by the mercy and grace of God!!

Praise be to God and Glory to Him FOREVER!!!


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