The February 2010 issue of TableTalk had various articles in response to two books that N. T. Wright wrote on Justification.
The articles were short. John Piper has written a book in response to N. T. Wright's book "What Saint Paul Really Said". N. T. Wright then wrote a response to John Pipers book.
I have just started Bishop Wrights book. I must say he is very engaging. You really have to pay attention to what he says, how he says it and also what he sometimes does not say.
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
Quite a reading list you have there! I have trouble reading more than two at a time (other than the Bible).
I don't watch much TV. I'm a BIG reader. It will take me a bit to get through that list. I usually read 2-4 books a month (depending on it's size). I'm also doing a SLOW study of the Book of Romans too. It keeps me busy and off the streets at night. ;-)
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