Saturday, June 27, 2009

Truth or No Truth?

It is said today that there are no truth claims and no absolutes.

I'll pass over the fact that such statements are in themselves absolute statements.
My concern is that these statements are made but yet no one really considers the implications of such statements.

Without truth there is no faith. Which leaves us all with no hope. There is then no purpose in life.
In this state society as a whole essentially breaks down. There is no reason for anything if there is no truth. If there is no truth then how can math, science or anything else mean anything?

Many people are running around in life with no hope and no purpose. It's actually quite easy to see this in people. They put their hope in all kind of things. Money, Fame, Position, Possessions
and it's all still emptiness.

God did not create us to live life without Truth or Hope!
Hebrews 11:1 says:
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
The Truth is that man makes these statements so that mankind will not have to face it's own depravity. If the sinfulness and depravity is acknowledged then it becomes clear very quickly that mankind needs a remedy for it's sinfulness. Of course mankind only acknowledges it's sinfulness due to the working of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel then becomes something that is full of hope and purpose for each of our lives.

We must live our lives for God's Glory which is the real purpose of our lives as Christians.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

John Newton

Well Bro. Bobby I have started reading John Newton. I have almost finished Vol 1 of the Biography on George Whitfield.

I love reading about these great men of God. It is clear that God chose John Newton. Newton enjoyed living in sin until God begin to deal with him. Which is how it is with all of us (some more than others as in Newton).

Grace and Peace

Monday, June 08, 2009

Effects of Television

I have taken a short break from reading about Whitfield. I am reading Why Johnny Can't Preach - The Media Have Shaped the Messengers by T. David Gordon. Wow you really need to run out and buy this one to read.

Here is some quotes related to my post title.

"Only by televised news; own silly standards could someone spend ten to fifteen minutes on a matter of public interest and consider this to be "in-depth" coverage. Nothing of public importance can be covered in ten minutes; few important matters can even be adequately introduced in ten minutes. A culture that reads can consider what is significant because reading takes time to apprehend. But a culture that is accustomed to commercial interruptions every six or seven minutes loses its ability to discuss significant matters because it has lost the patience necessary to consider them."
"To illustrate this principle ... I decided a couple of years ago to attempt to begin to understand the Vietnam conflict and its effects on our nation. So I decided, as an introduction, to read about five books. ... So I read those five books and believe that I got a general, basic orientation on a matter in our history that few of us could understand very clearly while we were going through it. Anyone who reads normally assumes that you need to read a minimum of three to five books just to get a general introduction to a subject. But the time I spent in my little five book introduction to this matter would have translated to the longest television documentary Ken Burns has ever done! As a medium reading cultivates a patient lengthy attention span, whereas television as a medium is impatient. One is therefore suited to what is significant; the other merely to what is insignificant."
Pastor what was the name of that book you had? How to Read a Book? I think I need to read it to ensure that I am reading as I should!

Grace & Peace

True Ministers

I have been reading the biography of George Whitfield.
I have also been thinking a lot about his time versus our time in history.

It's time to say something controversial: we need to make sure that the ministers of the faith are truly saved as best we can.

The bible says we will know the good from the bad by the fruit produced!! There seems to be a bit of bad fruit in our pulpits today. Just hear what is being proclaimed from some of the pulpits today! Why are we not preaching Christ and Him crucified and raised from the dead? You know the Gospel that God calls His ministers to preach? Spurgeon and Whitfield thought that you could never preach too much about Christ.

Christ must surely be grieved by what is being proclaimed!

I thank God that He has also provided us with a number of Very faithful ministers who proclaim the truth in season and out of season.

May God call even more faithful ministers to tend His sheep!! (as well as preach to the Lost)


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Ann Coulter article about George Tiller (late-term abortionist)

She drives some very bad people, nuts. But when Ann Coulter is good, she's very, very good. And in 49 million to 5, she's very very good!

Check it out!