Monday, May 25, 2009

Calvin's Institutes

As some of you know I have been reading through Calvin's Institutes this year. So here is a good quote from the Institutes.
"God has divided his law into two parts, which contain the whole of righteousness,  as to assign the first part to those duties of religion which particularly concern the worship of his majesty; the second, to the duties of love that have to do with men.
Surely the first foundation of righteousness is the worship of God. When this is overthrown, all the remaining parts of righteousness, like the pieces of a shattered and fallen building, are mangled and scattered. What kind of righteousness will you call it not to harass men with theft and plundering, if through impious sacrilege you at the same time deprive God's majesty of it's glory? Or that you do not defile your body with fornication, if with your blasphemies you profane God's most holy name? Or that you do not slay a man, if you strive to kill and quench the remembrance of God? It is vain to cry up righteousness without religion. This is as unreasonable as to display a mutilated, decapitated body as something beautiful. Not only is religion the chief part but the very soul, whereby the whole breathes and thrives. And apart from the fear of God men do not preserve equity and love among themselves. Therefore we call the worship of God the beginning and foundation of righteousness. When it is removed, whatever equity, continence, or temperance men practice among themselves is in God's sight empty and worthless."
Grace & Peace

Back in the routine

Well I'm starting to get settled here in St. Louis. I've moved into my apartment and am slowly but surely getting my stuff put up.

I am also getting back into my reading again. I'm finishing up the first volume about George Whitefield. I'm also reading Bavinck's first volume of Reformed Theology.

I have discovered that Covenant Theological Seminary in located here. They also have courses online that can be taken for free. I have driven by it several times. 

I am starting to really like it here!

Pastor, I have downloaded your latest mp3's from church. I will be listening to them soon. 
I'll begin my search for a new church home the next Lord's day.

Grace & Peace

P.S. the Lord willing I'll be coming back down to Nashville on June 6th. (To hopefully pick up the rest of my stuff.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

My First Week

I don't really know where to begin. Through everything the Lord has been there each and every step of the way. I have been absolutely humbled by everything that the Lord is taking care of!
He is everywhere. The Lord has truly blessed this process.

Within the next week or so my new apartment will pretty much have all of the furniture that it needs (all of it will have been given to me). It's just too numerous to mention all of the big and little things He is providing.

My mother has even been surprised about all that has happened. It is clear to the both of us that I am right where He wants me to be at this time. I am looking forward to see what He has in store for me here in the future.

I will be moving into my apartment tomorrow. I will hopefully post some more over this  holiday weekend.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

St. Louis

Well I made it with no problems. I only stopped twice to stretch my legs.
I drove right by the Arch coming into town yesterday. The Football Stadium is just straight past the Arch. 

At the moment I am staying in West St. Louis.

I also found my apartment and looked at the outside of it. It looks to be in a pretty good area too.
The Lord has truly lead and provided!!

I am in a Starbucks as I compose this (imagine that!!). Thanks, Tom and Donna for the Starbucks card!

Tomorrow I'll start my new job in Columbia, IL.

I need to look for a bed for my apartment today since I start moving in on Wednesday.
I also need to look for some other things too.

I will miss my brothers and sisters today but, I will be thinking about and praying for you!!

Randy, Tom and Donna I couldn't have left yesterday without all of your help!

Oops, I didn't mean to leave out Bobby and William!!

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Top 6 Books

Here are 6 books that I have read that I believe would benefit everyone who would take the time to read them. (Besides the bible being the first book you should be reading!)

1. The Reason for God by Tim Keller (Everybody should have a copy)
2. God's Greater Glory by Bruce Ware (Excellent Theology here)
3. Christless Chrisitanity by Michael Horton
4. Living for God's Glory by Joel Beeke
5. John Calvin - A Heart for Devotion Doctrine & Doxology - Edited by Burt Parsons 
6. The Old Evangelicalism by Iain Murry (This is the Real Gospel)

If your shy about reading theology then skip #2, but it would well be worth your time in trying to read it!!

These are all very excellent books. For the exception of books #1 & #2 the rest could be in any order.
The Reason for God not only deserves to be read but reread many times. It's just that good!

I have read many excellent books but these are the best of the best!!

Here is a quote by Erasmus:
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes”


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Columbia, IL

Well as much as I hate to say this I am going to be moving to Columbia, IL.
I have found a job there. This saddens me very much since I love my church RBC very much (and all the brothers and sisters that are members)!

But, my blog is not going away. I also know that you are aware that I'll still be reading as much as always. So you will be able to keep up with me here.

I will really miss our discussions during lunch on Sundays!!
Lord willing I'll be at church this Sunday and that will be one of my last.
