Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quote for Today

"The whole tragedy today is that the Christian Church is moving
ponderously, slowly, heavily, while the world is in the grip of the devil. She
is setting up committees to investigate the problems, and commissions to examine
various situations, and calling for reports, interim and final, to be produced
in a year, or perhaps several years, which will then be considered. And she is
doing this while the world is on fire, and people are going to hell, and the
devil is rampant everywhere!

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This is even more true today!!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Verses for Today

I have been reading Timothy Keller's new book Counterfeit Gods and I am reminded of these verses.

"15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
1 John 2:15-17"

In our current world this is something that we must fight on a daily basis. If we just buy that new car, or house or whatever then we will have made it and be happy. A lie right from the pit of hell.

As the song says "our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness". Our life is Jesus Christ. Everything we need is in Him. If we have put our hope or trust in anything else it is our idol.

May all of His children continue to fight the fight of faith daily. We are only Pilgrims passing through this world.

Grace & Peace

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Reading 2 Peter 2 Today

I just had to post this. This is an excellent reminder of the World we live in today.

"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

17 These are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm. For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved. 18 For, speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. 20 For if, after they have escaped the defilement's of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. 21 For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”

The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. 2 Pe 2:1-3 and 17-22"

May the Lord help each of us to discern the wolves in sheep's clothing!!


Thursday, October 01, 2009


So sorry that it's been so long since I have posted.
I'm still alive and kicking.

I have started back to school so I have been a little busy. I am going online and I have a class every 5 weeks. I have a paper due in a couple of weeks along with the class work. It's not too bad but it keeps me really busy!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Current Reading

I have been reading The Enemy Within by Kris Lundgaard.
The sub-title is Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin.

This is a small book but it is really excellent. I am reading it very slow.
I would suggest that everyone read this book. It's very readable it's very applicable to every christian.

I'll post a more detailed review when I am finished.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hatred of Sin

“Work in your hearts a hatred of sin… If a man had killed your friend, or father, or mother, how would you hate him! You would not endure the sight of him, but follow the law upon him. Send out the avenger of blood with a hue and cry after thy sin; bring it afore God’s judgment seat, arraign it, accuse it, spit on it, condemn it and thyself for it, have it to the cross, nail it there, if it cry I thirst, give it vinegar, stretch the body of sins upon his cross, stretch every vein of it, make the heart strings crack; and then when it hangs there, triumph over the dying of it, show it no pity, laugh at its destruction, say, Thou hast been a bloody sin to me and my husband, hang there and rot. And when thou art tempted to it [sin], and art very thirsty after the pleasure of it, say of that opportunity to enjoy it, It is the price of Christ’s blood, and pour it upon the ground. … Shall I live upon that which was Christ’s death? Shall I please myself in that which was his pain? Shall I be so dishonest, so unkind, as to enjoy the pleasure for which he endured the smart?”

Thomas Goodwin

Today's Gospel

The problem with the gospel that is presented today is not that God cannot save anyone unless it is presented correctly. That is not the case at all God does the saving and God can use whatever He pleases.
The Problem is the non-regenerate! They are told since they prayed a prayer or walked down an aisle they are saved. That is actually the lie right out of the pit of Hell. The devil wants folks to believe they are saved. That way they really won't think about it too much and just go on living their sinful life of sin and believe they are bound for Heaven. They are not concerned with their sin after all they are just as good as everyone else.

The true Christian is VERY concerned about their sin. They long for the day that they will sin no more and be able to totally live for Christ in sinlessness. We are only saved by the mercy and grace of God!!

Praise be to God and Glory to Him FOREVER!!!


Monday, August 03, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

Here is a quote from John MacArthur's - The Jesus You Can't Ignore.
"The core truths of Scripture are always under attack. Scripture itself clearly teaches that the main battleground where Satan wages his cosmic struggle against God is ideological. In other words, the spiritual warfare every Christian is engaged in is first of all a conflict between truth and error, not merely a competition between good and wicked deeds. The chief aim of Satan's strategy is to confuse, deny, and corrupt the truth with as much fallacy as possible, and that means the battle for truth is very serious. Being able to distinguish between sound doctrine and error should be one of the highest priorities for every Christian - as should defending the truth against false teaching."
I have really been enjoying our study in Sunday School on the Gospel. How is the Gospel presented in scripture? How does the Gospel presentation in scripture compare against most of the Gospel presentations today?


Monday, July 20, 2009

What is the Gospel?

As some of you know, my Sunday school class has been studying the question: What is the Gospel according to the New Testament?

The book "A Price For a People: The Meaning of Christ's Death" by Tom Wells is very excellent. I would recommend this book highly. It's short (100+ pages) but it is excellent!

I have also started reading "Learning Evangelism From Jesus" by Jerram Barrs. Professor Barrs teaches at Covenant Theological Seminary here in Saint Louis.

In the future I plan on reviewing both books here.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mark Driscoll

I am just shocked and appalled at MD's sermon on the Song of Solomon!!
It's so fowl and pornographic that I can't even quote anything from it.

I am actually even more shocked that the paper for the Missouri Baptist Convention actually quoted parts of his sermon in their newspaper. Not to make light of this gross error of exposition but from now on I think I'll just refer to MD as the Larry Flint of the Pulpit (yes it's that bad).

How a pastor who claims to be Reformed can preach that kind of filth and give that kind of interpretation of the Song of Solomon is just beyond me.

I believe that MD needs to pay a little more attention to the last verses of Revelation. I am just wondering how long God will let him get away with it. It is hurting the cause of Christ.

Grace & Peace

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Gospel Message

Well we continue to study the Gospel presentations in the New Testament.
All of them vary. When Jesus presented the Gospel it depended on the individual as to how he dealt with the person. It is pretty much the same with Peter and Paul.

If we compare the Gospel messages with the Gospel message of today it would seem that Jesus, Peter and Paul made a glaring omission. Where is the "God loves you" in their messages?

It seems that in today's message that is the first thing an unbeliever is told.
This admission actually presents some problems. How will a person be fully convicted of their sin? People need to see their sinfulness and that they need a Savior because of God's wrath against sin. The problem is that a lot of folks have heard that "God loves them" a lot in their lives. They have heard very little if at all about God's hatred of their sin and that they will be judged for it.

It's oh we are all basically good people. How could God send anyone to hell, He loves us?

We must go back to the real Gospel message.

Grace & Peace

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Truth or No Truth?

It is said today that there are no truth claims and no absolutes.

I'll pass over the fact that such statements are in themselves absolute statements.
My concern is that these statements are made but yet no one really considers the implications of such statements.

Without truth there is no faith. Which leaves us all with no hope. There is then no purpose in life.
In this state society as a whole essentially breaks down. There is no reason for anything if there is no truth. If there is no truth then how can math, science or anything else mean anything?

Many people are running around in life with no hope and no purpose. It's actually quite easy to see this in people. They put their hope in all kind of things. Money, Fame, Position, Possessions
and it's all still emptiness.

God did not create us to live life without Truth or Hope!
Hebrews 11:1 says:
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
The Truth is that man makes these statements so that mankind will not have to face it's own depravity. If the sinfulness and depravity is acknowledged then it becomes clear very quickly that mankind needs a remedy for it's sinfulness. Of course mankind only acknowledges it's sinfulness due to the working of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel then becomes something that is full of hope and purpose for each of our lives.

We must live our lives for God's Glory which is the real purpose of our lives as Christians.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

John Newton

Well Bro. Bobby I have started reading John Newton. I have almost finished Vol 1 of the Biography on George Whitfield.

I love reading about these great men of God. It is clear that God chose John Newton. Newton enjoyed living in sin until God begin to deal with him. Which is how it is with all of us (some more than others as in Newton).

Grace and Peace

Monday, June 08, 2009

Effects of Television

I have taken a short break from reading about Whitfield. I am reading Why Johnny Can't Preach - The Media Have Shaped the Messengers by T. David Gordon. Wow you really need to run out and buy this one to read.

Here is some quotes related to my post title.

"Only by televised news; own silly standards could someone spend ten to fifteen minutes on a matter of public interest and consider this to be "in-depth" coverage. Nothing of public importance can be covered in ten minutes; few important matters can even be adequately introduced in ten minutes. A culture that reads can consider what is significant because reading takes time to apprehend. But a culture that is accustomed to commercial interruptions every six or seven minutes loses its ability to discuss significant matters because it has lost the patience necessary to consider them."
"To illustrate this principle ... I decided a couple of years ago to attempt to begin to understand the Vietnam conflict and its effects on our nation. So I decided, as an introduction, to read about five books. ... So I read those five books and believe that I got a general, basic orientation on a matter in our history that few of us could understand very clearly while we were going through it. Anyone who reads normally assumes that you need to read a minimum of three to five books just to get a general introduction to a subject. But the time I spent in my little five book introduction to this matter would have translated to the longest television documentary Ken Burns has ever done! As a medium reading cultivates a patient lengthy attention span, whereas television as a medium is impatient. One is therefore suited to what is significant; the other merely to what is insignificant."
Pastor what was the name of that book you had? How to Read a Book? I think I need to read it to ensure that I am reading as I should!

Grace & Peace

True Ministers

I have been reading the biography of George Whitfield.
I have also been thinking a lot about his time versus our time in history.

It's time to say something controversial: we need to make sure that the ministers of the faith are truly saved as best we can.

The bible says we will know the good from the bad by the fruit produced!! There seems to be a bit of bad fruit in our pulpits today. Just hear what is being proclaimed from some of the pulpits today! Why are we not preaching Christ and Him crucified and raised from the dead? You know the Gospel that God calls His ministers to preach? Spurgeon and Whitfield thought that you could never preach too much about Christ.

Christ must surely be grieved by what is being proclaimed!

I thank God that He has also provided us with a number of Very faithful ministers who proclaim the truth in season and out of season.

May God call even more faithful ministers to tend His sheep!! (as well as preach to the Lost)


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Ann Coulter article about George Tiller (late-term abortionist)

She drives some very bad people, nuts. But when Ann Coulter is good, she's very, very good. And in 49 million to 5, she's very very good!

Check it out!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Calvin's Institutes

As some of you know I have been reading through Calvin's Institutes this year. So here is a good quote from the Institutes.
"God has divided his law into two parts, which contain the whole of righteousness,  as to assign the first part to those duties of religion which particularly concern the worship of his majesty; the second, to the duties of love that have to do with men.
Surely the first foundation of righteousness is the worship of God. When this is overthrown, all the remaining parts of righteousness, like the pieces of a shattered and fallen building, are mangled and scattered. What kind of righteousness will you call it not to harass men with theft and plundering, if through impious sacrilege you at the same time deprive God's majesty of it's glory? Or that you do not defile your body with fornication, if with your blasphemies you profane God's most holy name? Or that you do not slay a man, if you strive to kill and quench the remembrance of God? It is vain to cry up righteousness without religion. This is as unreasonable as to display a mutilated, decapitated body as something beautiful. Not only is religion the chief part but the very soul, whereby the whole breathes and thrives. And apart from the fear of God men do not preserve equity and love among themselves. Therefore we call the worship of God the beginning and foundation of righteousness. When it is removed, whatever equity, continence, or temperance men practice among themselves is in God's sight empty and worthless."
Grace & Peace

Back in the routine

Well I'm starting to get settled here in St. Louis. I've moved into my apartment and am slowly but surely getting my stuff put up.

I am also getting back into my reading again. I'm finishing up the first volume about George Whitefield. I'm also reading Bavinck's first volume of Reformed Theology.

I have discovered that Covenant Theological Seminary in located here. They also have courses online that can be taken for free. I have driven by it several times. 

I am starting to really like it here!

Pastor, I have downloaded your latest mp3's from church. I will be listening to them soon. 
I'll begin my search for a new church home the next Lord's day.

Grace & Peace

P.S. the Lord willing I'll be coming back down to Nashville on June 6th. (To hopefully pick up the rest of my stuff.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

My First Week

I don't really know where to begin. Through everything the Lord has been there each and every step of the way. I have been absolutely humbled by everything that the Lord is taking care of!
He is everywhere. The Lord has truly blessed this process.

Within the next week or so my new apartment will pretty much have all of the furniture that it needs (all of it will have been given to me). It's just too numerous to mention all of the big and little things He is providing.

My mother has even been surprised about all that has happened. It is clear to the both of us that I am right where He wants me to be at this time. I am looking forward to see what He has in store for me here in the future.

I will be moving into my apartment tomorrow. I will hopefully post some more over this  holiday weekend.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

St. Louis

Well I made it with no problems. I only stopped twice to stretch my legs.
I drove right by the Arch coming into town yesterday. The Football Stadium is just straight past the Arch. 

At the moment I am staying in West St. Louis.

I also found my apartment and looked at the outside of it. It looks to be in a pretty good area too.
The Lord has truly lead and provided!!

I am in a Starbucks as I compose this (imagine that!!). Thanks, Tom and Donna for the Starbucks card!

Tomorrow I'll start my new job in Columbia, IL.

I need to look for a bed for my apartment today since I start moving in on Wednesday.
I also need to look for some other things too.

I will miss my brothers and sisters today but, I will be thinking about and praying for you!!

Randy, Tom and Donna I couldn't have left yesterday without all of your help!

Oops, I didn't mean to leave out Bobby and William!!

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Top 6 Books

Here are 6 books that I have read that I believe would benefit everyone who would take the time to read them. (Besides the bible being the first book you should be reading!)

1. The Reason for God by Tim Keller (Everybody should have a copy)
2. God's Greater Glory by Bruce Ware (Excellent Theology here)
3. Christless Chrisitanity by Michael Horton
4. Living for God's Glory by Joel Beeke
5. John Calvin - A Heart for Devotion Doctrine & Doxology - Edited by Burt Parsons 
6. The Old Evangelicalism by Iain Murry (This is the Real Gospel)

If your shy about reading theology then skip #2, but it would well be worth your time in trying to read it!!

These are all very excellent books. For the exception of books #1 & #2 the rest could be in any order.
The Reason for God not only deserves to be read but reread many times. It's just that good!

I have read many excellent books but these are the best of the best!!

Here is a quote by Erasmus:
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes”


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Columbia, IL

Well as much as I hate to say this I am going to be moving to Columbia, IL.
I have found a job there. This saddens me very much since I love my church RBC very much (and all the brothers and sisters that are members)!

But, my blog is not going away. I also know that you are aware that I'll still be reading as much as always. So you will be able to keep up with me here.

I will really miss our discussions during lunch on Sundays!!
Lord willing I'll be at church this Sunday and that will be one of my last.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


As most mornings, I drive by the Church of Unity. They have a message board at the street.

This morning it said "Live in the abundance of God".

We have to be so careful about things such as this. This could mean almost anything now days.
We all do live in the abundance of God each and everyday. Seeing the church who had this sign, I do not believe this is what they meant.

This is more of the Joel Osteen type of encouragement. The "God wants everyone of His children to prosper" mantra.

I just wished that they would truly understand what living in God's abundance means. We all deserve death and eternal judgment. Mankind lives each day by God's grace and mercy.

Just some brief thoughts for this morning.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Heart Corruptions

O God, may Thy Spirit speak in me that I may speak to thee. I have no merit, let the merit of Jesus stand for me. I am undeserving, but I look to Thy tender mercy. I am full of infirmities, wants, sin; Thou art full of grace.

I confess my sin, my frequent sin, my wilful sin; all my powers of body and soul are defiled: a fountain of pollution is deep within my nature. There are chambers of foul images within my being; I have gone from one odious room to another, walked in a no-man's-land of dangerous imaginations, pried into the secrets of my fallen nature.

I am utterly ashamed that I am what I am in myself; I have no green shoot in me nor fruit, but thorns and thistles; I am a fading leaf that the wind drives away; I live bare and barren as a winter tree, unprofitable, fit to be hewn down and burnt. Lord, dost Thou have mercy on me?

Thou hast struck a heavy blow at my pride, at the false god of self, and I lie in pieces before Thee. But Thou hast given me another master and lord, Thy Son, Jesus, and now my heart is turned towards holiness, my life speeds as an arrow from a bow towards complete obedience to Thee. Help me in all my doings to put down sin and to humble pride. Save me from the love of the world and the pride of life, from everything that is natural to fallen man, and let Christ's nature be seen in me day by day. Grant me grace to bear Thy will without repining, and delight to be not only chiselled, squared, or fashioned, but separated from the old rock where I have been embedded so long, and lifted from the quarry to the upper air, where I may be built in Christ for ever.

Taken from The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions, edited by Arthur Bennett

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Pastor

This post is in the same vein that was a post on TeamPyro earlier this week. I think it will be good to mention it here.

Most of my christian brothers read all the time. We read Piper, MacArthur, Pink, Spurgeon, Edwards, Manton etc... We even listen to their sermons (the one's that are still alive at least).

While this is good, it can also be bad. We must always realize that these men are NOT our local Pastor's. They don't love us like our own Pastor's love us. They are not with us when we hurt or when we rejoice. They also correct and exhort us when we need it. That is something the above men cannot do on a personal level.

Pastor Steven and I seem to be on the same wave length most of the time. I marvel how God does that. I'm not the only one he serves.

Pastor Steven know that I Love You my brother!! I pray for you each week.
If the Lord is directing me to move to another city, know that I will miss you and all of my fellow brothers and sisters!


Friday, April 10, 2009

1599 Geneva Bible

Many of you who are my friends know that I have been reading through Calvin's Institutes this year. This year celebrates the 500th birthday of John Calvin.

I recently got a copy of the 1599 Geneva Bible - Calvin Legacy Edition by Tolle Lege Press. They have fixed the spelling to be more like own own spelling. (Olde is Old, Newe is New etc...)
In the back of this bible there is also a Glossary defining older words that are used. The bible itself does not have the Apocrypha in it. This bible comes with a CD that contains PDF's of the 1599 Geneva Bible, the Apocrypha and Metrical Psalms.

I am impressed with this reprint of the Geneva bible. It reads very similar to the KJV.

I have learned some things about the Geneva bible that I did not know.

The Geneva bible is the bible the Puritans used. The Puritans did not like the KJV bible. This was surely due to the fact the Geneva bible was suppressed by Monarchs. King James in particular did not like the Geneva bible. He said it was subversive.

As a result the KJV was more Anglican oriented. The Geneva bible was strictly Protestant and had the hands of Calvin all over it.

Calvin believed in a more democratic form of Government. He also wanted the Church to be separate from the State (the State ran the churches). King James was the head of the Church of England.

So those are the high points so far.

Grace and Peace

Monday, April 06, 2009

Newsweek -- The End of Christian America

Please read Dr. Mohlers Blog.

It talks about the Newsweek article. He was interviewed for the article as well.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

How can one be saved?

There is NO greater question than this in life! What is true salvation? How does one know that they are saved?

You would think with these questions being as critical as they are we would have an abundance of books on Christian bookshelves that answer this question (as best as possible that is).

I have seven such books (I know of a few others). That is all, less than a dozen! How can this be?

Is it no wonder that true salvation is no longer preached from our pulpits?

We are more concerned about our fragile self-esteem than where we will spend eternity!!
Mankind is truly prideful and worships himself as god.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
NKJV Romans 1:18-25

May God correct our preaching that we may again Preach true salvation from our Pulpits and may God be truly glorified by it!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saving Faith

I've been reading a little Arthur Pink. How about this quote:

It is generally recognized that spirituality is at a low ebb in Christendom and not a few perceive that sound doctrine is rapidly on the wane, yet many of the Lord’s people take comfort from supposing that the Gospel is still being widely preached and that large numbers are being saved thereby. Alas, their optimistic supposition is ill-founded and sandy grounded. If the “message” now being delivered in Mission Halls be examined, if the “tracts” which are scattered among the unchurched masses be scrutinized, if the “open-air” speakers be carefully listened to, if the “sermons” or
“addresses” of a “Soul-winning campaign” be analyzed; in short, if modern “Evangelism” be weighed in the balances of Holy Writ, it will be found wanting—lacking that which is vital to a genuine conversion, lacking what is essential if sinners are to be shown their need of a Savior, lacking that which will produce the transfigured lives of new creatures in Christ Jesus.
Like scripture says, many will be surprised at the Judgment. Many will say "Lord, Lord". and Jesus will say "depart from me I never knew you".

How can folks be saved without confronting their Sin? Until a person realizes that they are truly a sinner how can they be ready to receive the Gospel?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lordship Salvation

I read the original version of The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur right after it came out in paperback (a number of years ago).

I bought the 20th Anniversary version as soon as it came out. I decided to start reading it this week.

As most of you know, over the past couple of years I have read all I could get my hands on, on topics of Reformed Theology and Puritan writings ( I still have plenty to read). :-)

They very idea that people believe that you can be a Christian without Jesus being Lord is quite frankly heresy! The Puritans that I have read would not even remotely entertain the thought of such a thing!!

They even have the audacity to claim that if we support Lordship Salvation we are pushing "Works" Salvation. From all my reading about the Doctrines of Grace that claim is virtually unsupportable!!

It is they who are teaching and supporting a man centered Gospel.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Mt 7:13-14

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Church History Rant

The church-at-large to so ignorant of Church History. Many of our christian fore-fathers died to give us access to God's written Word.

We MUST remember that at one time the only permissible church was Rome. Rome did not and does not want the common man to fully understand the word of God. People at that time totally relied on the priests for everything.

Luther and Calvin tirelessly pointed out the problems with Rome.

We are to study God's word like the Bereans. We are to know what we believe and why.
We are not to believe something just because someone gets up in a pulpit and says we should!

Five years ago before I really knew anything specific about Calvinism I tried to read Dave Hunt's book which was a Debate of Calvinism. It's the first book I read that even talked about Calvinism. I couldn't finish it. It was horrible. It was a debate between Dave Hunt and James White. It was VERY obvious to me from my reading that Hunt had not read any Calvin. He only quoted other individuals who had supposedly read Calvin. It was also very clear that Dr. White knew what he was talking about.

That is when my journey started.

We believe WAY too much of what other people tell us. We should investigate and form our own opinions.

Since I started reading through the Institutes in January I can tell you there are plenty of folks out there against Calvinism but they have never read it.

John Calvin lived most of his life in pain and misery. He was preaching a sermon one day and was coughing up blood. John Calvin never desire to be well known. God however had a different plan.
I can only thank God for what He was able to accomplish through John Calvin.

I want to highly recommend two books about John Calvin.

1. The Legacy of John Calvin by David W. Hall (it's a short book).
2. John Calvin A Heart for Devotion Doctrine & Doxology edited by Burk Parsons.

There are four great men from the past that I have the highest admiration for:
John Calvin
John Owen
Jonathan Edwards
Charles Spurgeon

Please don't ignore our past. We do so at our own peril.

Our prayer should be "Lord show us thy truth."
He will show us His truth and it will set us free.

Grace & Peace

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Narrow Way

Here is a verse on an old slab in the cathedral of Lubeck, Germany:

Thus speaketh Christ our Lord unto us,
ye call Me Master and obey Me not,
ye call Me Light and see Me not,
ye call Me Way and walk Me not,
ye call Me Life and desire Me not,
ye call Me Wise and follow Me not,
ye call Me Fair and love Me not,
ye call Me Rich and ask Me not,
ye call Me Eternal and seek Me not,
ye call Me Gracious and trust Me not,
ye call Me Noble and serve Me not,
ye call Me Mighty and honor Me not,
ye call Me Just and fear Me not,
if I condemn you, blame Me not.
Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith it is impossible to please Him," and that means faith in Jesus Christ. You don't get into the kingdom by sincerity, by religiosity, by reformation, by kindness, by service to the church, not even by simply naming the name of Christ; you get there only by personal trust and faith in Christ.

Note: This is from Truth Endures - Commemorating Forty Years of Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time 1969-2009. Landmark Sermons by John MacArthur.
Sermon: How to Play Church - first sermon preached at Grace Church February 9, 1969.

The whole sermon is as good today as it was in 1969!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shepherds Conference 2009

I would encourage those of you that would be interested to download and listen to some of the messages at this years conference. The account for the Shepherds Fellowship is free. Just register and you can download and listen to the MP3's for free!! You can purchase the videos for $4 each and download and watch them if you prefer.

Session 5
Dr. Mohler led in a wonderful examination of the authority of preaching from the Sermon on the Mount, focusing specifically on Matthew 7:28–29, where the crowds were amazed by Jesus’ preaching because it had authority (and therefore was a huge contrast to the teaching of the rabbis). He exhorted us to teach the Word of God with authority, and to avoid the liberal tendencies of our postmodern age.

Session 6

Phil Johnson will look at two verses in Titus 2:7–8. Titus was a young pastor who was extremely precious to Paul. And Paul writes to Titus with the instructions found in vv. 7–8.

Phil chose this text because he is concerned about the tendency among some pastors to use vulgar topics, filthy jokes, and the like in ministry today under the guise of cultural contextualization. There are those who claim that this kind of speech is essential in order to be relevant to reach the culture. But the apostle Paul said otherwise.

I have listened to both of these messages and they are excellent! Dr. Mohler's message is the best I have ever heard him preach.

Grace & Peace

Monday, March 09, 2009

Failed Gospel Tract

I don't believe that the current approach to evangelism would work in the environment shown above.

This is not really meant to be humorous. Some folks are so concerned about making the gospel acceptable to everyone.
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Mt 7:13-14

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bible Versions

NOTE: The views expressed here are my personal opinion. Selecting and using a bible version for bible study is important but it is mainly based on personal preference.

I grew up with using the King James Version (Scofield). I still have my favorite one that's a compact size and it's older than my oldest daughter (it's well worn too). I still have a Scofield in KJV, NKJV and ESV. I would call the Scofield Study Bible - study bible lite. It really doesn't have many study notes. Since I've grown up with it I am well aware of it's bad points which is one reason I still use it from time to time.

I have been using NKJV and NASB (New American Standard Bible) for decades. They are both somewhat similar. The NASB is viewed in a lot of academic circles as the more accurate translation of the two. My personal preference is NASB over NKJV and I'm not sure I could tell you why specifically.

So lets get to the present. We have had several new translations since the year 2000. The two in particular that I will be talking about are the ESV (English Standard Version) and the NET (New English Translation) bibles.

The ESV has been quickly adopted by a lot of the Reformed churches. We have the Reformation Study Bible (ESV) which John Piper's church uses (although I'm sure the ESV Study Bible is used as well since it is now released). The new ESV Study Bible is quite frankly the best Study Bible produced to date. It's thick and heavy but well worth it. The ESV bible is a very excellent reading bible. I love to listen to Max McLean read the ESV it just sounds better than other versions when read for whatever reason.

The NET bible is the first bible ever to be translated and put together using the Internet. The bible has over 60,000 translator's notes. The translator's notes are a gold mine of information. It has quickly become one of my favorte translations.

Now there are a lot of other translations available (some I have and some I don't).

So, here is what I use pretty much on a daily basis. The MacArthur Study Bible (NASB) and the ESV Study Bible. When I have a deeper bible study I add in the NET Bible.

If you ask me to choose between the first two, I can't (which is why I usually have both at church on Sunday and you'll see me switch back and forth).

If anyone decides to buy the NET, the best place to buy it is from CBD. Please make sure you get the one with the Translator's notes (you'll be glad you did).

My main advise is for you to find a bible that you like reading and understand. If it's hard for you to read or you have some trouble understanding it then your more likely to not read it like you should. So find one that you like*, and then read and grow and enjoy your life in Christ!!

* You should try and find the version you like from one of the one's listed above. There are other easier to read versions out there but I would not recommend them to anyone.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Yes, I do my part in keeping bookstores in business!

I have read so much in the last year because I watch virtually no TV anymore.
It used to be the other way around. I used to come home and watch nothing but TV.

God has changed my desires in the last year. He has strengthened a lot of them to a higher degree than they ever were before. I believe this is due to that I actually feed on the word each and every Sunday as well as the support and encouragement I receive from my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Tom, your class was all I got pretty much before. We need it all, the preaching of the word, the fellowship (of like minded worshipers) and the encouragement of the brethren.

We now get a 5 course meal each Sunday thank God!!

Now that I'm hearing the Word I want even more of the Word. I desire the Living Water that only Christ can give!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Update to last Post

My statement "I know some folks wonder why I read some of the books I do." was about the folks I work with. Not any of my brothers or sisters at church.

I usually read when I go to lunch. The other day I was getting ready to go to lunch and I had one of my books out (upside down). I thought he was going to fall over trying to read the title to it.

Just wanted to make sure no one took it wrong.

Grace and Peace

Monday, February 23, 2009

Christian History

I know some folks wonder why I read some of the books I do.
Here is why.

I was brought up in Southern Baptist Churches (I'm a preachers kid). I have attended SBC churches the majority of my life. I was even a religion major at a Baptist school for a while.

Until a couple of years ago I had never even heard of Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism.
The Synod of Dort? What is a synod? Regeneration?

As they say in Texas I was like a cow looking at a new gate!
Since I really enjoy reading some forms of History and Theology, off I've gone.

I have just been totally fascinated with reading Reformation history and theology. I started with R. C. Sproul's book What is Reformed Theology?. That just made me want to read more. David Wells No Place for Truth was also very good (although it is more about how we have drifted since our country was founded). I also love reading Spurgeon or anything about him!

Well I think I've struck gold now. I've started reading Richard Muller's Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vols). It is an analysis of the Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy from 1520 to 1725. This is like reading a Tom Clancy novel (at least it is to me).

Since I'm reading Calvin's Institutes daily (at least trying) I have a whole new respect and deep admiration for him. I don't know of another man in history that had his drive for Christ. Do you know that he wrote a 100 page book in one week? He also preached daily every other week as well as teaching and his other pastoral duties. This is just a tip of the iceberg of what Calvin accomplished for God.

I just thank God that I am now able to read about these great men of God and their history.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Passion for the Word

Here are some reflections on Famine in the Land by Steven Lawson.

How did the early church receive the apostles' teaching?
Look at Acts 2:42
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
They were hungry for the word. A quote from Martyn Lloyd-Jones about the desire for the word of God says "Wanting to listen to the Word is inevitable if men and women are born again and have become Christians ... One simply cannot be a Christian and have no desire for a knowledge of this truth - it is impossible."

What are some results of the word being preached? (The following are quotes from the book.)

Energized Fellowship
As believers grow in the truth, they grow in the Lord, and, in turn, they grow closer to each other. As God's Word purges and purifies our hearts, the quality of our love for one another grows even stronger. A Word-fed church will be a fellowshipping church.

Elevated Worship
Never occurring in an intellectual vacuum, authentic praise and worship is always a heartfelt response to biblical truth. Theology leads to doxology.
The more truth about God one learns and personally applies, the more clearly he or she will see, submit to, and worship Him.
A Word-filled church will be a worshiping church.

Empowered Prayers
The more believers learn about God, the more they recognize their dependency on Him in prayer.
Biblical preaching should always lead to bold praying. As the Word goes out, prayer should go up.
A preaching church will be a praying church.

These are three things that I see at my own church each and every Lord's Day. It seems at each new Lord's Day they get stronger. Today was no exception. I thank the Lord that I attend such a church!

Soli Deo gloria

Thursday, February 19, 2009

God's Redemptive Plan

I was reading in Ephesians and I am always awe struck when I read the following passage in chapter 1:

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

What is always amazing to me is that I don't see that "my" will is mentioned anywhere in this passage. "I" had absolutely nothing to do with my coming to Christ it was ALL God's doing. In fact I was chosen before the foundations of the world. How AWESOME is that!!

Grace and Peace

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to know what books are good to read

I have come across an excellent reference that might help some of you.

Joel R. Beeke has published A Reader's Guide to Reformed Literature - An Annotated Bibliography of Reformed Theology published by Reformation Heritage Books. This is a very excellent reference.

The bibliography is divided into 36 sections that correspond with the titles of the articles of the Belgic Confession of Faith.

Review of Christless Christianity by Michael Horton

I was going to post his review several weeks ago and I ended up forgetting to post it.

Christless Christianity by Michael Horton

There is no sugar coating in this book about the current problems with the Church-at-large.
It is to the point and hard hitting and is a wake up call.
If you like to read this type of book then it is well worth reading!

The book consists of 7 chapters and is 259 pages in length.
  1. Christless Christianity: The American Captivity of the Church
  2. Naming Our Captivity: Moralistic, Therapeutic Deism
  3. Smooth Talking Christless Christianity
  4. How We Turn Good News into Good Advice
  5. Your Own Personal Jesus
  6. Delivering Christ: The Message and the Medium
  7. A Call to the Resistance

Review of John Calvin - A Heart for Devotion Doctrine & Doxology Edited by Burk Parsons

Wow, this book is just excellent!

The book consists of 19 chapters each written by some of the best authors teachers and pastors in our present day. The book is 242 pages in length.

Here is a list of the chapters and their authors:

  1. The Humility of Calvin's Calvinism - Burk Parsons
  2. Who was John Calvin? - Derek W. H. Thomas
  3. Calvin's Heart for God - Sinclair B. Ferguson
  4. The Reformer of Faith and Life - D. G. Hart
  5. The Chruchman of the Reformation - Harry L. Reeder
  6. The Preacher of God's Word - Steven J. Lawson
  7. The Counselor to the Afflicted - W. Robert Godfrey
  8. The Writer for the People of God - Phillip R. Johnson
  9. The Supremacy of Jesus Christ - Eric J. Alexander
  10. The Transforming Work of the Spirit - Thabiti Anyabwile
  11. Man's Radical Corruption - John MacArthur
  12. Election and Reprobation - Richard D. Phillips
  13. Redemption Defined - Thomas K. Ascol
  14. Transforming Grace - Keith A. Mathison
  15. A Certain Inheritance - Jay E. Adams
  16. The Believer's Union with Christ - Philip Graham Ryken
  17. The Principal Article of Salvation - Michael Horton
  18. The True Christian Life - Jerry Bridges
  19. The Communion of Men with God - Joel R. Beeke
This book was published in Celebration of John Calvin's 500th birthday.
It is a very worthy volume to be read and taken to heart.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Review: Famine in the Land by Steven Lawson

If you are interested in reading about preaching then Steven Lawson's book Famine in the Land is definitely worth reading.

It consists of an Introduction and four chapters and is 126 pages.

Introduction: Days of Drought
1. Feast or Famine?: The Priority of Biblical Preaching
2. The Need of the Hour: The Power of Biblical Preaching
3. Bring the Book! The Pattern of Biblical Preaching
4. No Higher Calling: The Passion of Biblical Preaching

The third chapter was preached at a past Shepherds Conference and at last years NCCT Conference. He is very passionate about Biblical Expository Preaching, it shows in the book and his preaching.

Friday, February 06, 2009

What would be in your Library?

Question for the day:

You are going to another country for the next 10 years. You can take your favorite Bible and only three other books.

What would be the three other books that you would take? Why?

I look forward to the answers!

Grace and Peace

Monday, February 02, 2009

Open Theism

I have been reading about the "New" idea of Open Theism. It is really a rework of Socinianism. I have been reading back and forth through Bruce Ware's book God's Lesser Glory and John Frame's book No Other GOD both addressing Open Theism. Here are the main contentions of Open Theism:
  1. Love is God's most important quality.
  2. Love is not only care and commitment, but also being sensitive and responsive.
  3. Creatures exert an influence on God.
  4. God's will is not the ultimate explanation of everything. History is the combined result of what God and his creatures decide to do.
  5. God does not know everything timelessly, but learns from events as they take place.
  6. So God is dependent on the world in some ways.
  7. Human beings are free in the libertarian sense.
The above list is from John Frame's book.

Here is a part from Bruce Ware's book.
If, for example, a believer's response of faith in conversion is the result of God's effectual drawing of this blind sinner to see the glory of Christ and to respond (as the doctrine of irresistible grace advocates), God is guilty, in the words of John Sanders, of "divine rape because it involves nonconsensual control; the will of one is forced on the will of the other."
The words that the Open Theists use are designed to evoke an emotional response. Which in fact does evoke an emotional response from me, righteous anger. They are trampling on God's precious Grace.

Since mankind refuses to believe the Bible (and in God for that matter) which is the revelation that God has given us of himself these heresies continue to resurface through out history. Mankind either wants no god at all or one of his own making.
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." they are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.
Psalm 14:1
for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,
Isaiah 46:9-10

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Living for God's Glory

Do we really believe Romans 8:28?
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

We must live for his glory and fight the fight of faith to be holy.
Consider the following quote form John Calvin:

I call "piety" that reverence joined with love of God which the knowledge of his benefits induces. For until men recognize that they owe everything to God, that they are nourished by his fatherly care, that he is the Author of there every good, that they should seek nothing beyond him -- they will never yield him willing service. Nay, unless they establish their complete happiness in him, they will never give themselves truly and sincerely to him.

It's our sinful nature that tells us that "we" are the only one who knows how to run our own life. A lie from the prince of darkness himself. God knows ALL. Remember "I AM WHO I AM"? When God said that He already knew ALL about His children in Egypt and He also knew how it would end as well.

So who would you rather live for? Yourself, who has a proven track record of failure?
Or, would you rather live to the Glory of the God of the universe and let him help direct your paths?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Living Your Best Life Now

Well Joel Osteen is right about one thing, we should be living our best life now! The only problem is that his methods are all wrong!!

I like the first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (and the response).

Q1. What is the chief end of man?
Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

The following is the first resolution that Jonathan Edwards wrote:

1. Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to the glory of God, and my own good, profit, and pleasure, in the whole of my duration; without any consideration of time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved, to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. ...

Here is a preamble that he wrote that goes with the resolutions:

Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ's sake.

Here is an entry from Jonathan Edwards diary Tuesday, Jan 15.

But alas ! how soon do I decay! O how weak, how infirm, how unable to do anything of myself! What a poor inconsistent being! What a miserable wretch, without the assistance of the Spirit of God! While I stand, I am ready to think that I stand by my own strength, and upon my own legs; and I am ready to triumph over my own spiritual enemies, as if it were myself that caused them to flee: - when alas! I am but a poor infant, upheld by Jesus Christ; who holds me up, and gives me liberty to smile to see my enemies flee, when he drives them before me. And so I laugh, as though I myself did it, when it is only Jesus Christ leads me along, and fights himself against my enemies. And now the Lord has a little left me, how weak do I find myself! O let it teach me to depend less on myself, to be more humble, and to give more of the praise of my ability to Jesus Christ! The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it!

We can live our best live now by living for God's Glory alone. But yet, "we" are incapable of living it ourselves. We must daily be on our knees and go before the throne of Grace and confess our sinfulness and ask for the Holy Spirit's help in living each day to Glorify God!

If we stay humble and with the Holy Spirit's help we can live our best life now to the Glory of God!! Our best life now is not a life that is lived for ourselves as Joel Osteen would suggest. We must always with the Spirit's help fight the fight of faith to look to God, read his revealed Word and humble ourselves before His Majesty and Glory!

Grace and Peace

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Review of Young, Restless, Reformed by Collin Hansen

Young, Restless, Reformed, A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists by Collin Hansen

This book is about a journey of discovery, learning how the younger generation is discovering anew the Great Doctrines of the Christian faith. The younger generation is weary of attending churches that merely entertain rather than preach the Word. These young people long for the true meat of Scripture that changes their lives! They are pursuing true doctrine! There are youth groups and groups on college campuses that are intently studying the Word as well as the Systematic Theologies of Berkhof and Grudem. Some are also reading the Puritans (Edwards and Owen).

One humorous story is about a High School group that started reading through Calvin's Institutes and their parent's found out about it and forbid them to read it. So the youth stopped as their parents wished. They instead started reading a Puritan that their parents had never heard of, John Owen! My spirit has been greatly encouraged by reading this book!!

The books consists of a Prologue, seven chapters and a Epilogue and is 156 pages in length.

Chapter 1 - Born Again Again - Passion Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Chapter 2 - Out of Bethlehem - Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chapter 3 - Big Man on Campus - Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Chapter 4 - Ground Zero - Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Chapter 5 - Drug-Induced Calvinism - Covenant Life Church, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Chapter 6 - Forget Reinvention - New Attitude Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
Chapter 7 - Missional Mind-set - Mars Hill Church, Seattle, Washington

I'm not wild about some of the chapter titles but the content is good. I am also not fond of the last chapter which is about Mark Driscoll. I'm not really a "fan" of Mark Driscoll.

It's good to know about the things that are happening around the country in the Reformed world. It's easy to get discouraged when all around you is "easy believeism" and "live your best life now".

God is still Sovereign and still on His throne!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Three John's

The Lord has lead me to read John Calvin's Institutes. I will be reading some of it each day.
I have also been drawn to read Jonathan Edwards. The desire to read Edwards has come from several places mainly from Pastor Stephen and John Piper. My desire for John Owen has come from Derek Thomas. I have listened to Dr. Thomas's Faiths Foundations class at RTS and a class he taught at PRTS on John Owen.

I realize that if I happened to be 20 years old (which I'm not) I could easily spend the rest of my life studying God's word as well as the works by these men and yet not fully grasp all that they have taught.

I can say that one thing that draws me to these great men of God is their holiness and humility.

I will post a couple of book reviews in the next couple of days.
One for Young, Restless, Reformed by Collin Hansen and the other for Christless Christianity by Michael Horton.

Grace and Peace

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Calvinistic Book Reviews Part 2

I have been saving Part 2 for today! This will be a long post today! :-)

The year 2009 marks the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth. There are books being published celebrating this fact. They are published under "The Calvin 500 Series".

The book that would be great for everyone to start with is The Legacy of John Calvin by David W. Hall. This book is just 100 pages long. It lists some of Calvin's accomplishments throughout his lifetime and beyond. It also has a brief biography of John Calvin.

The following is the contents of the book:

A Chronology of John Calvin's Life

Ten Ways Modern Culture Is Different because of John Calvin
1. Education: The Academy
2. Care for the Poor: The Bourse
3. Ethics and Interpretation of the Moral Law: The Decalogue
4. Freedom of the Church: The Company of Pastors
5. Collegial Governing: The Senate
6. Decentralized Politics: The Republic
7. Parity among All Professions: The Doctrine of Vocation
8. Economics and Profit: The Invisible Hand
9. Music in the Vernacular: The Psalter
10. The Power of Publishing Ideas: The Genevan Presses

John Calvin: A Life Worth Knowing

Tributes: Measuring a Man after Many Generations

Since this year celebrates the 500th year of Calvin's birth the Foundation for Reformed Theology is encouraging everyone to read through Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.
They have come up with a daily reading plan for the Institutes so it can be read in one year. Anyone who has a copy of the Institutes and would like to read it through in a year can email me and I will send you the PDF of the suggested reading schedule.

If you are wondering how to live out Calvinism (or more accurately, living out the christian life) then this next book is for you.

Living for God's Glory - An Introduction to Calvinism by Joel R. Beeke

The book is just over 400 pages in length and has Six Parts and 28 Chapters. I have really enjoyed reading this book. I want to read it over again sometime in the future. There is a good bit of theology in the second part of the book but I would like to suggest that we all need to fully understand it. It's not a full treatment of the theology but it should be enough for anyone to fully grasp it.

Part One: Calvinism in History
Part Two: Calvinism in the Mind
Part Three: Calvinism in the Heart
Part Four: Calvinism in the Church
Part Five: Calvinism in Practice
Part Six: Calvinism's Goal

I believe this book would be really good for family's especially those who have older children or teens. This is really an excellent book.

Soli Deo Gloria

P.S. My posts will be much slower in the future. I have started reading lager books. I have started Concise Reformed Theology (900+ pages) and the four book Reformed Theology by Herman Bavnik. So it will take me a good while to get through those. I do have some other smaller books that I will be reading a well.