Friday, February 27, 2009


Yes, I do my part in keeping bookstores in business!

I have read so much in the last year because I watch virtually no TV anymore.
It used to be the other way around. I used to come home and watch nothing but TV.

God has changed my desires in the last year. He has strengthened a lot of them to a higher degree than they ever were before. I believe this is due to that I actually feed on the word each and every Sunday as well as the support and encouragement I receive from my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Tom, your class was all I got pretty much before. We need it all, the preaching of the word, the fellowship (of like minded worshipers) and the encouragement of the brethren.

We now get a 5 course meal each Sunday thank God!!

Now that I'm hearing the Word I want even more of the Word. I desire the Living Water that only Christ can give!

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